Kuala Lumpur To Labuan Distance
What is the transportation method from the main airport to downtown in Labuan. Distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan Kuala Lumpur International Airport Labuan Airport is 951 miles 1530 kilometers 826 nautical miles.
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The total straight line flight distance from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Labuan Malaysia is 945 miles.
Kuala lumpur to labuan distance. If you want to go by car the driving distance between Kuala Lumpur and Labuan is 167371 km. The distance between cities in Malaysia distance chart below is straight line distance may be called as flying or air distance between the two locations in Malaysia calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes. Check airport distances to save time.
This is equivalent to 1 521 kilometers or 821 nautical miles. Find local businesses view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. What airlines fly nonstop from KUL airport to LBU airport.
Get a quick answer. It takes about 2 hours 26 minutes to fly from Kuala Lumpur KUL to Labuan LBU. Your trip begins in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Services are operated by Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia. Punctul de mijloc geografic dintre Labuan È™i Kuala-Lumpur este la 76122 km distanță dintre ambele puncte Ă®ntr-o direcÈ›ie de 26096. Your flight direction from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Labuan Malaysia is East 81 degrees from North.
Distance from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur Labuan Airport Kuala Lumpur International Airport is 951 miles 1530 kilometers 826 nautical miles. The initial bearing on the course from Labuan to Kuala-Lumpur is 26096 and the compass direction is W. Its 945 miles or 1521 km from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan which takes about 2 hours 23 minutes to fly.
Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine helping you get to and from any location in the world. The distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is 590 miles 949 kilometers. Use our travel planning tools to get the distance driving directions mileage and road journey times for a trip.
The geographic midpoint between Bandar-Labuan and Kuala-Lumpur is in 47378 mi 76248 km distance between both points in a bearing of 26098. Distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is 1522 kilometers. Find all the transport options for your trip from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan Bajo right here.
AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines are flying nonstop from Kuala Lumpur to. It ends in Labuan Malaysia. 26 rows Malaysia Distance Chart Distance Table.
Get a quick answer. This air travel distance is equal to 946 miles. It is located in Indonesia Riau Islands Indonesia Kepulauan Riau.
It ends in Labuan Malaysia. Distancefrom Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Labuan Malaysiaas the crow flies which is about 945 milesor 1521 kilometers. Kuala Lumpur KUL to Labuan LBU flights The flight time between Kuala Lumpur KUL and Labuan LBU is around 3h 47m and covers a distance of around 1530 km.
Your flight direction from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Labuan Malaysia is East81 degrees from North. Distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan. See also a map estimated flight duration carbon dioxide emissions and the time difference between Labuan and Kuala Lumpur.
Cea mai scurtă distanță aeriană Ă®ntre Labuan È™i Kuala-Lumpur este 152244 km. The initial bearing on the course from Bandar-Labuan to Kuala-Lumpur is 26098 and the compass direction is W. Its 945 miles or 1521 km from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur which takes about 2 hours 23 minutes to fly.
It is located in Indonesia Riau Islands Indonesia. The geographic midpoint between Labuan and Kuala-Lumpur is in 47300 mi 76122 km distance between both points in a bearing of 26096. The fastest flight normally takes 2h 25m.
See also a map estimated flight duration carbon dioxide emissions and the time difference between Kuala Lumpur and Labuan. Check airport distances to save time. Este localizat în Indonesia Riau Islands Indonesia Kepulauan Riau.
If you ride your car with an average speed of 112 kilometershour 70 milesh travel time will be. Up to 55 cash back How long does it take to fly from Kuala Lumpur KUL to Labuan LBU. Your trip begins in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
You can also find the midpoint geographical half way point or the flight distance as the crow flies. Up to 55 cash back Plan Your Trip from Kuala Lumpur KUL to Labuan LBU Labuan attracts thousands of visitors every year for both business and pleasure. For your quick reference below is a Distance Chart or Distance Table of distances between some of the major cities in Malaysia.
The calculated flying distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is equal to 717 miles which is equal to 1154 km. Calculate the distance from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Labuan Malaysia. Rome2rio makes travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan Bajo easy.
Map Of Malaysia Labuan World Maps
Shape Of Labuan Federal Territory Of Malaysia With Its Capital Isolated On White Background Topographic Relief Map 3d Rendering Stock Photo Alamy
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